Edits made to a shared record list are visible to all users. We recommend you make a copy of a record list if you do not want to affect the view for other users.
To edit a custom record list, navigate to IQ/LiaCX; you will land on the Home dashboard by default.
In the left-side navigation menu, click on Record List, and then click on the custom record list you would like to update.
To navigate to the Records page:
- In the left-side navigation menu, click on Records. The Records List page will appear.
- Under Custom, select the custom record list you would like to update. The search feature can be helpful in locating a list when many lists have been created.
- The record list will open in the right panel. Access the list editor by clicking on the triple-dot menu, and then click on Edit.
The record list editor will open, where you can update columns, filters and settings.
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