Types of Data
Depending on the source or type of data, data can be associated with hierarchy nodes in different ways:
- Mystery Shop / Overt Audit Records
- Survey Records
- Check Audit Records
- External Data Records
- Followups
- Cases
- File List Files
Note: Admin users can also change which hierarchy node a survey, check or external data record is associated with after submission if required.
Associating Mystery Shop / Overt Audit Records to a Hierarchy Node
For Mystery Shop and Overt audit programs performed by Intouch contractors, your implementation manager will create and manage a mapping between the source programs and your hierarchy to associate your mystery shop or audit program data to the correct hierarchy nodes.
Associating Survey Records to a Hierarchy Node
For your survey programs, there are 3 ways that survey records can be associated with hierarchy nodes:
1) Associate all survey records to the root hierarchy node.
This is the default behavior for Survey which will occur unless a location question is added, or custom JavaScript or Rules are used to assign records to a specific hierarchy node.
2) Include a 'Location' type question in your survey to associate records with location type hierarchy nodes.
When a location type question is included in your survey, the end-users will see a listing of all Location type hierarchy nodes in your hierarchy. The end-user will select the appropriate location from the listing and the resulting survey record will be associated with the selected hierarchy node.
3) Add a Rule (In IQ) to associate survey records to specific hierarchy nodes.
In cases where survey results may need to be associated with hierarchy nodes that are not locations and not the root, rules can be created to assign records to a hierarchy node based on specific conditions configured in the rule.
4) Include custom JavaScript to associate survey records to specific hierarchy nodes.
In cases where survey results may need to be associated with hierarchy nodes that are not locations and not the root, custom JavaScript can be applied within your survey to assign the survey record to a specific hierarchy node whether it is the same hierarchy node always, or dependent on specific responses.
Associating Check Audit Records to a Hierarchy Node
For your check programs, the end-user (auditor) must select a location prior to completing an audit. The resulting check audit record will be associated with the location type hierarchy node selected by the auditor.
Associating External Data Records to a Hierarchy Node
When uploading/sending external data records to Intouch, the value for the 'hierarchy_code' of the record must map to a 'Client Code' value for an existing hierarchy node in the platform. The external data record will be associated with the hierarchy node where the Client Code value of the node matches hierarchy_code identified for the record.
Associating Followups to a Hierarchy Node
For your check programs, the end-user (auditor) must select a location prior to completing an audit. All followups created while performing an audit will be associated with the location type hierarchy node selected by the auditor when starting the audit.
Associating Cases to a Hierarchy Node
When created from a record the case will be associated with the same hierarchy node/location as the record.
If a case is NOT created from a record, the case is not associated with a hierarchy node and is visible to all users.
Associating File List Files to a Hierarchy Node
When a file is created, the file will be associated with the hierarchy node/location selected when creating the file share.
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